In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Green's Dubbel Dark Ale
Aroma: “Caramel sweetness with a hint of dark fruit character (plum, raisin, date) and hard-candy notes (Sweet Tart, Smarties) with some toasty and buttery notes. Apple cider and pear-like—a very fruity aroma. Hints of cranberries, black- berries, and red wine. Light sweet notes of brown sugar. No hops presence.”
Flavor: “A cider-like character is present but not dominating. A bit of red apple and pear notes, with some caramel sweetness and dark pitted-fruit esters, mostly raisins, but some cherry and plum, too. Medium-low hops bitterness and no hops flavor. Light body.”
Overall: “The base beer style of Belgian Dubbel works better with sorghum than most other base beers, and the fruitiness works well with it. The fruity notes of berry and apples dominated and carried through to the finish. More cider-like than beer-like, but still enjoyable to drink.”