In a blind tasting by BJCP trained experts, this beer rated
Funky Buddha Brewery Hop Gun IPA
Aroma: “Juicy, juicy, juicy! It’s like snifing a bowl of assorted fresh fruits. Just delightful. Big piney notes up front with slight honey sweetness and a slight musty note. As it warms, more sweet- ness than hops, light barleywine-like notes with dark fruit such as plum.”
Flavor: “Plenty of fruit to go around— passion fruit, mango, bananas, pineapple. Delightful malt character delivers on flavor but tastes just a touch thin on the tongue. Bitterness is there but merely lurks in the shadows.”
Overall: “Slight graininess distracts at first sip. Perhaps this is from a hop? A lovely fruity IPA that will satisfy hopheads but could also be a nice introduction to the style for those who don’t enjoy traditionally “hoppy beer.” Little of the harsh bitterness that might turn newbies away—it’s all smooth fruit. Would prefer just a touch more residual sweetness and body, but that’s a minor complaint.”